120th Annual Family Meeting

The 120th Annual Family Meeting will take place on Saturday, August 10, 2024 via Zoom. To see, hear, and address the Zoom meeting, click on this link.

Annual Meeting Agenda

10:00 AM GATHERING TIME: get connected, meet and greet
01:00 PM OUR PROGRAM: Dustans in the Pacific NW

Business Meeting

  • President’s Welcome; approve last Annual Meeting minutes
  • Reports: Secretary, Treasurer, Historian / Genealogist
  • Officer nominations and election

Old Business

  • Duston-Dustin monuments update
  • Garrison House Association developments

New Business

  • Amalgamation of the Great Lakes Dustin Assn.
  • Duston Garrison House Muster update
  • Any other business that may come before the meeting
  • Census of attendees

The Program

Our family tends to be concentrated primarily in the eastern portion of North America. So this year we are especially pleased to welcome back as our presenter DDFA Member Mark J. Dustan, from Portland, OR, who will introduce us to his cluster of Dustan relatives and acquaintances in the Pacific North-West, and perhaps down into New Zealand. An expert on computer-based genealogy, Mark addressed the DDFA at its 90th Annual Meeting (1994) on “The Duston-Dustin Family and the Computer Age.” He
also was a recurring visitor to the now-dissolved Great Lakes Dustin Association in Michigan, where he generated a large pedigree chart for all Dustons/Dustins/Dustans in his database. Mark has titled his current presentation “Go West Young Man!